Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater — монолог Евы в эпилоге, когда она рассказывала о трагедии и предательстве Босса. «She will go down in offical history as a war criminal. And noone will ever understand her. That was her final mission. But I think, she wanted you, of all people, to know the thruth… She wanted to live on… in your memory. Not as a soldier. But as a woman. But… she was forbidden to tell you herself. Thats why she told me.. Snake, history will never know what she did. And noone will ever learn the truth. Her story, her debriefing.. will only endore in your heart. Everythung she did, she did for her country. She sacrificed her life and her honor for the comitevland. She was a real hero… She was a true Patriot.»
Настолько проникновенно это было сказано, что слезы навернулись.